Come and meet the staff at our school.
Dewch i gwrdd â'n tîm.
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs J. Kucia ~ Headteacher Pennaeth,
Performance Management, Teaching and Learning, Safeguarding Lead, Health and Safety, GDPR, CLA, Numeracy and Mathematics Lead, Family engagement
Mrs C. Hamer ~ Deputy Head / Years 4 and 5 teacher, Dirprwy Pennaeth, /Blwyddyn 4 a 5
Assessment, Attendance, GDPR, Deputy Safeguarding Officer, Languages, Literacy and Communication lead
Criw Cymrieg
Miss Russell ~ Years 2 & 3 teacher, Blwyddyn 2 a 3
ALNCO, Safeguarding Officer, CLA, Student Mentor, Lead Mentor, Health and Well Being committee lead
Teaching Staff
Mrs H. Lewis ~ Year 6 teacher, Blwyddyn 6
Curriculum Lead, Lead for Rights Respecting School, Science and Technology Lead, Expressive Arts Lead, Health & Well-being Lead, Pedagogy Lead, Student Mentor, Lead Mentor
Mrs King ~ Nursery, Reception and Year 1 teacher, Meithrin, Derbyn, Blwyddyn 1
Early years Lead, Humanities Lead & Lead for Eco Council
Teaching Assistants
Mrs P. Loring ~ Interventions and PPA cover.
Miss R. Davies ~ LSA Nursery, Reception & Year 1, Meithrin, Derbyn/Blwyddyn 1
Mrs R. Hayes ~ LSA Nursery, Reception & Year 1, Meithrin, Derbyn/Blwyddyn 1
ALN Assistant
Miss C. Fewings – SNSA
Miss K. Williams – SNSA
Mrs C. Thomas – SNSA
School Administrator
Mrs R. Jones
Lunch Time Catering Staff
Mrs S. Jones ~ Cook
Mrs D. Corns ~ Catering Assistant
Lunch Time Supervisors
Mrs A. Ward
Miss C. Fewings
Miss T. Walters