Current Events - Racism
I am sure that you have all been aware of the recent protests around the globe in Support of the "Black Lives Matter" movement.
I do not want people to feel under pressure to discuss these issues at length but we cannot ignore and avoid reflecting on what is at the heart of the matter, discrimination because of a persons skin colour.
There are two tasks attached that I would encourage you to complete one of them. It is an unmarked task but I would really be interested in what thoughts you have.
The most important element of the task is to read the power point and watch the video clip. Listen and learn what messages are being shared and try your very best to consider what it would be like to be treated differently because you look different.
If you have any questions about what you read or listen to then please get in touch -
Half Term Task 22nd of May
Next week is the May half term. Instead of daily work being uploaded to the Google Classrooms page I will set a single larger project.
Following some of the work I have been setting around Mountains I would love for you to attempt to make a homemade Volcano. There are numerous ways this can be done and below is a list of some guidelines to follow.
It would be wonderful to see you all at work. If you could send emails with videos or pictures of your finished Volcano. Dont forget all impressive Volcanoes have names so be sure to think of one.......
Online Learning Access
I have begun uploading work to the Hwb Class page and the Google Classroom page. These are private accounts and can only be accessed by the pupils log ins.
Hwb Class - There are links to home learning websites and home activities. Feel free to attempt the riddles that I am uploading daily
Google Classrooms - Work will appear daily on this platform. I will review all work that is submitted and respond to each pupil individually.
Please follow the Google Classrooms guidance page Ive attached below if you have any issues accessing the classroom.
Any questions please feel free to email me:
Diolch and stay safe.
Mr Wrangham
The activities documents hold the list of appropriate tasks pupils can access during the time away from school. The tasks in this document include Mathematics, English and Topic ideas.
The Olympics booklet can be either printed or completed digitally. If you do not have the facilities to print/complete digitally then the Activities documents contain similar Olympic related tasks.
Pupils have been given a small project book with their personal Purple Mash and Hwb log in details. This book should be used for completing some of the written activities e.g. Diary, letter etc. They can also continue to practise their handwriting and any spellings they may have in this book.
Access to Purple Mash and Hwb allow pupils to explore appropriate educational resources and games. The Hwb website allows access to Microsoft Office content and supports online research in a safe forum.
We hope this helps and we will continue to update you with any additional content we deem necessary.
Diolch Mr Wrangham and Miss Pare.
Twinkl - Free Parental Access
Schools across the globe are responding to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. In some cases schools have closed or are making preparations for a potential closure.
At Twinkl, our mission is to help those who teach and we are therefore taking steps to support continued learning at home, by offering the teachers and parents of children in schools which are closed, or facing closure, free access to all Twinkl resources for a period of one month in the first instance. We are committed to continuing to offer this help in the event of longer term closures.
We’ve put together a simple, step-by-step guide about this offer of help, for teachers and schools to use. This guide is not designed to supercede or replace any official guidance, but is intended to advise on using the Twinkl website during this period.