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Criw Cymraeg

Croeso i'r Tudalen Criw Cymraeg

Welcome to the Criw Cymraeg's Page

Our meetings are on Wednesdays after school until 4pm.



We have achieved our bronze award and this year we are working towards the Gwobr Arian, the silver award.

Ydych chi'n gallu helpu ni? Can you help us? Contact Mrs Hamer to find out more.

Siarter Iaith ~ The Language Charter

The objective of the Language Charter is to provide a clear framework, which can be used to promote and increase the use of Welsh by children in a whole school context. In a nutshell, the Charter’s main aim is to promote a strong Welsh ethos in our school and to provide a range of enriching activities that propel the children to enjoy learning Welsh.


The Language Charter exhorts participation from every member of the school community, and members of the school workforce and council, the pupils and their parents, school governors and the wider community are all encouraged to take full ownership of it. The Criw Cymraeg (Welsh Crew) are instrumental in leading and driving the Language Charter forward at Abernant Primary.


The Criw Cymraeg in Abernant have led the school to achieve the bronze award of the Siarter Iaith. Here are Talys and Harriette at the awards ceremony.




Our next mission is to achieve the silver award.


Criw Cymraeg ~ Beth rydyn ni'n gwneud ~What we do

As Criw Cymraeg, we have given ourselves the following job description…

  • Promote a Welsh ethos in Abernant Primary School by encouraging learners to speak Welsh;
  • Lead y Gawasnaeth Cymraeg / Welsh assemblies;
  • Decide the cwestion Cymraeg for the week and share it in our gwasanaeth and on Facebook, Twitter and the school website;
  • Implement Cymraeg Campus and gather evidence to achieve our school targets;
  • Set and judge competitions to promote the Welsh language and culture in our school;
  • Teach Welsh games on the yard.

Talys and Macsen represented the Criw Cymraeg at the meeting of the full governing body in March to give our governors an update on our progress towards the silver award. They spoke clearly and confidently and answered many questions from the governors. Da iawn, bechgyn.



Just a few photos of this year's Eisteddfod organised by the Criw Cymraeg.

Eisteddfod 2024

How can I help my child?

Sut allaf helpu fy mhlentyn?

Here are apps that you can download from the App Store which are great to play and can help you and your child practise your Welsh.




Suitable for Year 3 upwards        Suitable for Year 3 upwards      Suitable for younger children

             App Store                                    App Store                                     App Store


Why not practise these phrases at home?

Welsh Phrases / Ymadroddion Cymraeg:



Days of the Week - Dyddiau'r Wythnos


 Monday   -      Dydd Llun

 Tuesday   -     Dydd Mawrth

 Wednesday -  Dydd Mercher

 Thursday   -    Dydd Iau

 Friday  -         Dydd Gwener

 Saturday        Dydd Sadwrn

 Sunday  -        Dydd Sul


Misoedd – Months of the Year


  Ionawr   –   January

  Chwefror  –  February

  Mawrth   –   March

  Ebrill   –     April

  Mai   –       May

  Mehefin   –  June

  Gorffennaf – July

  Awst   –     August

  Medi   –     September

  Hydref  –    October

  Tachwedd   – November

  Rhagfyr   -  December



  Penblwydd Hapus            Happy Birthday

  Nadolig Llawen                Happy Christmas

  Blwyddyn Newydd Dda    Happy New Year

  Pasg Hapus                      Happy Easter



    1 - un,

    2 - dau,

    3 - tri,

    4 -  pedwar,

    5 - pump, 

    6 - chwech,

    7 - saith,

    8 -  wyth,

    9 -  naw,

   10 - deg



  Eisteddwch           Sit

  Sefwch                 Stand

  Ewch                     Go

  Dewch                   Come



Mae hi’n amser…..chwarae / cinio / mynd adref / cofrestr / tacluso.

  It’s…… playtime / dinnertime /   home time / register /  tidy up time.



  Bore da              Good morning

  Prynhawn da       Good afternoon

  Noswaith dda     Good evening

  Nos da               Good night

  Hwyl fawr          Good Bye



  Pwy wyt ti?/Be ydy d’enw di?  

  Who are you/What’s your name?


   ……… ydw i     

   I’m ………



  Sut wyt ti?                     How are you?


  Dw i'n...

  Bendigedig / Gwych        Fantastic

  Da iawn diolch                Very well thanks

  Ofnadwy                        Terrible

  Wedi blino                     Tired

  Hapus/trist                    Happy/sad


Porffor, •Llwyd, •Brown, Oren, Coch, 

Glas, Gwyrdd, Melyn, Du, Pinc

Seren yr Wythnos


Da iawn i Eva a Sebastian am siarad Cymraeg yn amser chwarae.



Daf y Ddraig Coch will be spending the week with Blwyddyn 5 a 6 as they won the most Tocyn Iaith.

Da iawn pawb.  

Criw Cymraeg

Still image for this video

Hwyl a sbri gyda Rhys o'r Urdd.

Mae Criw Cymraeg yn ddysgu gemau newydd i warae gyda pawb yn amser chwarae.

Diolch i Rhys a Darcy.

The Criw Cymraeg had a great time today learning new games, lots of Welsh and leadership skills with Rhys and Darcy from Urdd RCT.
