Thank you to all those who came to support the pupils at the Art Exhibition this evening, it was great to see so many parents there. If you were unable to attend, the children's work will be on display at the Easter extravaganza tomorrow and you will be able to purchase your child's work at £3:50.
A huge thank you to the school council who organised the event, decided on the themes and who went with Miss Russell to buy the equipment needed by the children. Lastly, thank you to Miss Russell who worked extremely hard in supporting the school council, running around with the school council purchasing the materials and displaying the art work beautifully. A really successful event.
Both Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 had a great time in the Zumba Fitness Sponsor session in aid of the NSPCC today. Everyone was worn out at the end, but there was lots of laughter and fun while raising money for a great cause. Please can all sponsor money be returned as soon as possible.
Many thanks
The roles and responsibilities of this year's members are:
Chair - Jesse lee Addiscott – Year 6
Jordan Fewings – Year 6 – schoop
Secretary - Eden Hall – Year 5
Vice Chair - Seniru Kodithuwakku – Year 5
Kieron Daniels – Year 5 – late book and holiday forms
Kylan Price – Year 3 – schoop
Millicent Jones – Year 3 - schoop
Libby Bryant – Year 2 - late book and holiday forms
Mason Richards – Year 2 - late book and holiday forms
This year we are working hard at improving our attendance even more and reaching our target of 96%.
We will be raising funds for our school and also for the NSPCC. Please read our action plan and letters/Schoop for information about upcoming events.